Timp Trail Marathon and Half

May 17, 2025
6:00 am - Full
8:00 am - Half
Mt. Timpanogos Park
US-189, Orem,
UT 84097
about the area

Full Marathon Route

Starting at the Timpanogos Park Trailhead, the course heads west on the Upper Aqueduct Road to the shooting range connection, then follows the Bonneville Shoreline Trail to the Dry Creek Canyon Trailhead. From there, the course continues for 0.75 miles until it connects with Trail 051. Runners will follow Trail 051 to the Rock Pile, then reconnect with Trail 049, crossing the Upper Aqueduct Roads and following the Bike Race Trails straight to the finish line at Timpanogos Park. The course may be subject to changes if necessary.


  • Aaron Fletcher — 3:07:40 (2017)
  • Kodi Kleven —  3:57:17 (2024)

26.1 Mi



hours Avg.


High Point

Full Marathon


This marathon course is incredibly challenging. If you typically run a 3:30 marathon, expect to finish this race in 5 to 6 hours. The course includes 5,883 feet of elevation gain, with 99.9% of the route made up of mountain trails and fire break roads. The only asphalt you’ll encounter is at a few road crossings at lower elevations.

There are sections of ascent and descent that will be technical but extremely scenic. As in the past, you may experience snow, rain, mud, potential stream crossings, and plenty of rocks. Although the distance matches that of a traditional marathon, this race is anything but conventional.

There will not be porta-johns, mile markers, spectators, or volunteers at every turn guiding you. You should approach this race like an ultra-distance event. The course will be marked with orange and blue flagging: continuous orange flagging indicates the correct direction, while a combination of orange and blue indicates an upcoming turn. Blue flagging will appear on the same side of the trail where the turn will occur. The course will be well-marked, but you must pay close attention to the flagging.

Cut Off: Marathon runners must be out of Grove Creek Aid Station (11.5mi) by 10am (4 hours)  or you will be pulled from the course.


Aid Stations

There will be 4 aid stations supporting the Full Marathon. They are located 5-6 miles apart, This potentially could leave you on the trail between aid stations for up to two hours in some cases. It is HIGHLY recommended that you carry some type of water (i.e. hydration pack, hand held, or fanny pack).

Drop Bags: You have the opportunity to have a drop bag sent to aid station #2 at mile 11.5. Please label the outside of your drop bags with your bib number. We will bring these bags back to the start after all runners have passed through this aid station.

From Start to Finish — The aid stations and accompanying restroom facilities are as follows:

  • Aid Station #1: Mile 6 — Gun Range (with restrooms)
  • Dry Canyon Parking Lot: Mile 8 — Restrooms only!
  • Aid Station #2: Mile 11.5 – Grove Creek Trail Head Parking Lot (with restrooms) *DROP BAG LOCATION*
  • Aid Station #3: Mile 16.5 – Indian Springs
  • Aid Station #4: Mile 21.5 – Dry Canyon

All aid stations will be stocked with the following: Water, electrolyte drink, electrolyte tablets, gummy bears, pretzels, peanut butter quarter sandwiches, fruit, and a mix of other goodies.

about the area

Half Marathon Route

Starting at the Timpanogos Park Trailhead, the course heads west on the Upper Aqueduct Road to the shooting range connection, then follows the Bonneville Shoreline Trail to the Dry Creek Canyon Trailhead. From there, the course continues for 0.75 miles until it connects with Trail 051. Runners will follow Trail 051 to the Rock Pile, then reconnect with Trail 049, crossing the Upper Aqueduct Roads and following the Bike Race Trails straight to the finish line at Timpanogos Park. The course may be subject to changes if necessary.

RECORD — Preston Johnson — 1:35:38 (2019)

13.1 Mi



hours Avg.


High Point

Half Marathon


This Half Marathon course is challenging, with an elevation gain of 2,389 feet. It consists of mountain trails and firebreak roads. As in the past, you may experience snow, rain, mud, potential stream crossings, and plenty of rocks. There will not be porta-johns, mile markers, spectators, or volunteers at every turn guiding you.

Flagging is same as the Full Marathon, continuous orange flagging indicates the correct direction, while a combination of orange and blue indicates an upcoming turn. Blue flagging will appear on the same side of the trail where the turn will occur. The course will be well-marked, but you must pay close attention to the flagging.

Cut Off: !!!!!


Aid Stations

There will be 2 aid stations supporting the Half Marathon. It is HIGHLY recommended that you carry some type of water (i.e. hydration pack, hand held, or fanny pack).

From Start to Finish — The aid stations and accompanying restroom facilities are as follows:

  • Aid Station #1: Mile 6 — Gun Range (with restrooms)
  • Dry Canyon Parking Lot: Mile 8 — Restrooms only!
  • Aid Station #2: Mile 8.4 – Dry Canyon

Both aid stations will be stocked with the following: Water, electrolyte drink, electrolyte tablets, gummy bears, pretzels, peanut butter quarter sandwiches, fruit, and a mix of other goodies.

Registration & Packet Pickup

Packet Pickup will be held at:

T3 Endurance Sports
870 W Center St, Orem, UT, 84057
May 15th-16th, 10am-7pm
Registration is OPEN for the 16th running of the Timp Trail Marathon and Half.
Register early and Save — Price increases March 31st and April 30th.
LAST day to register is Friday May 16th!
Register before May 10th 2024 to be guaranteed a race shirt and medal.

It is strongly encouraged that you pick your packet up on Thursday or Friday to save on time and help minimize big lines the morning of race day. Same day packet pick up will be available at the race venue starting at 7:15 am.

Gear and Prizes

  • All participants will be given a high quality race shirt.
  • Finishers will receive a medal specific to their race distance.
  • Plaques will be given to the overall male and female winners in each distance as well as the top age group winners.
  • Keeping with tradition we will have our famous Marc’s Finish line Chili waiting for all of our runners with rolls and butter


Race Withdrawal/Refund Policy

  • Entry fees are non-refundable.
  • Transfers or deferments are NOT permitted.
  • Race directors reserve the right to change or modify the race for safety and weather related issues.